Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A critical mass of content and a new phase

NOTE: It has been about 1 month a half since my last blog: sorry but holidays, earthquakes and the like has delayed this monthly blog.

Since day one I have always talked about content and making ISSCIO.com useful (that also applies to many websites). As a matter of fact, we worked hard for the site to have a critical mass in terms of content. Without this critical mass the site would appear empty, users won’t come or if they do come they won’t return, search results won’t show the site and so on. Therefore it has always been important to create information and provide experts and law firms.

Today there are over 110 listed experts, not only IP law firms but also Domain Name registries and consulting firms. If that number does not seem that large, you may also consider that these 110 experts are from over 70 different countries. I have added a map to show how diverse the locations of the experts are. ISSCIO.com is indeed a great place to start when you are looking at intellectual property all around the globe.

We also have more that 60 topics that have some information and that are already indexed in search results on the Internet. The more complete topics are more popular and thus we always encourage experts to add as much information as possible. But with such a range of diverse topics even experts use ISSCIO.com as reference.

Looking at ISSCIO.com achievements in terms of experts and topics we think we have reached the critical mass needed to move forward; moving forward in terms of starting to actively show the web site to professionals in Intellectual Property, dedicated websites, blogs and many other audiences that would definitely find ISSCIO.com useful. We are not a web site that will become viral and growth 1000% overnight. We are indeed a very specific web site targeting a small yet important market. However stay around because in this new phase we believe ISSCIO.com will start to grow more rapidly and be more useful both to experts and users.

Lucas Vall
General Manager